
Investment Thoughts

The last two months have been a sanguine reminder of the difference between risk and loss. At the moment, we are all experiencing risk in our portfolios with values fluctuating. Unless we sell out, this is not yet a loss and with a very diverse portfolio of the type we build at GT those businesses within your portfolio that will inevitably fail will represent a very small percentage of the total, whilst in due course the majority will recover.

The key for all of us, therefore, will be to be careful about what we withdraw at this time by way of capital or income. There have been some very substantial dividend (income) suspensions/cuts by companies, particularly in the UK. Globally, this has been less of an issue which will help to maintain income.

This is the first time we have seen such quick and substantial action taken on dividends certainly in my career. There are generally two reasons for these cuts one, is basically a company taking a prudent view to conserve cash and the other represents serious trading problems in the business. With our emphasis on quality companies in your portfolio, we expect it to be the former, in most cases.

Therefore, we are closely looking at income levels for all clients and your consultant will discuss this with you in more detail at your next review. If you do not need the income at this time, it is clearly prudent to reduce or suspend it, to allow your portfolio the best and quickest chance of recovery as economies re-open.


GT Website Launch

Firstly, I would like to start by welcoming you to the new GT wealth website part of our 2020 initiative to offer an online way of dealing with us for those who would like to work more in this way and to improve our regular communication with you.

I would, however, start by saying that we have every intention of maintaining our personal relationship approach alongside this. It is something that came up very strongly in response to the recent survey we asked you to complete. On that subject, I am humbled by your incredibly positive comments about the way we seek to work with you. Thank -you.

By way of an update on the office, we closed it in March in line with Government guidance, having set everyone up to work from home which, whilst as strange as this has been for all of us in some ways , has actually has worked very well, due I am sure, to the diligence of our team.

We are now planning a phased-reopening from June and so will be offering both on-line/by phone and face to face annual reviews from there on, in, line with your wishes. Your consultant will discuss and agree with you the way forward. I very much look forward to starting to see you in person soon, even if we may not be able to shake hands!

I look forward to the future with confidence and wish you all well, stay safe.